The San Filippo Neri Antique Pharmacy and the Jesuit area in Parma

The San Filippo Neri Antique Pharmacy and the Jesuit area in Parma



In the heart of Parma, a stone’s throw from the crowded streets of the city center, there is a place still little known but of great charm, where time seems to stand still, the San Filippo Neri Antique Pharmacy. A galenic laboratory dating back to 1789 where, among the dark wooden shelves, the ancient tools, glassware and jars, you can retrace the development of assistance and pharmaceuticals from the 17th to the 20th century.

Artemilia proposes an evocative guided tour to discover the San Filippo Neri Antique Pharmacy, the former Oratory of San Tiburzio and the Jesuit area in Parma.

The guided tour winds its way through the University Palace, the seat of the Ursuline Congregation, the Palazzo del Tribunale, built in the area of ​​the ancient Collegio dei Nobili, known to contemporaries as “the king of all colleges”, and the most important historical buildings of Via Farini, to discover curiosities and anecdotes about historical characters and the families that once lived there.

The installation “Florilegium” by Rebecca Louise Law enriches the itinerary, a message of rebirth, a sky of 200 thousand flowers that blend in a chromatic continuum with the frescoes of the former Oratory of San Tiburzio.

Contact us to book a guided tour, for a day full of emotions!


Contact us

Every day at 11.00 am, 3.00 pm, 5.00 pm

Guided tour lasting 2 hours

Meeting at the entrance to the San Filippo Neri Antique Pharmacy in Vicolo San Tiburzio, 5 Parma

Reservations required. Reservations must be made by 7.00 pm of the day before the visit

Participation fee: € 20 adults, € 10 children aged 8 to 17, free for children under 8 years of age. 10% discount for Parma Card holders

The guided tour service will be activated upon reaching the minimum number of 4 participants

It is possible, on request, to book a private tour with a guide at the exclusive disposal of your group/family; contact the secretariat for availability and costs

It is mandatory to wear a mask and maintain a minimum interpersonal distance of 1 meter between the participants, except for people who, according to the provisions in force, are not subject to interpersonal distancing (e.g. families)

Info and reservations

+39 348 4559176